Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Community Market

Barrels Community Market is a nonprofit community market that sells locally produced good  in the heart of Downtown Waterville. I've discovered that the market also offers a wide variety of educational and volunteer opportunities and provides a community event space to showcase an array of great programs. They are centrally located halfway down Main Street. They were established in June 2009. It was named after The Barrel Block, the historic building in which it is located.
 Barrels market is great! There are so many wonderful local products for sale, at a reasonable price!
I am excited about all the possibilities for volunteering and community service in our new town!

1 comment:

  1. What is the Barrels Community Market selling right now in this blustery season?
    We have Farmers Markets here in the spring, summer and fall. They are located throughout the Memphis Metropolitan Statistical Area and there is almost always more than produce sold.
    We have musicians who perform live at the markets, homemade crafts, teaching sessions on how to can or store food, etc.
    Its a great place to network with other like-minded people. Jo Garner
