Saturday, March 12, 2011

Humane Society Community/fund raising Events

Our local humane society is holding several upcoming fundraisers. This is obviously a wonderful cause and I encourage anyone/everyone to contribute either financially, through volunteering, and/or attending the events!!! 

Cat's Meow Dance-March 26th from 7PM-12AM at the Winslow VFW Hall. $25/couple and $15/person. DJ Steve Colella will be there and a cash bar will be provided by the VFW. Tickets will only be sold at the Human Society at 100 Webb Rd. Waterville.

I will update my blog on other upcoming exciting events that the Humane Society will be hosting through the fall of this year.  This is a organization that is providing a great service to our community and homeless pets!! Let's do everything we can to help them out!!!

1 comment:

  1. Kudos! to you Cardra Mou, for promoting the Humane Society. Animals are so pure and innocent. Like children, they need our diligent attention and care.

    We support our local Humane Society down here in the Memphis area. Currently we are fostering three cats for a friend who suffered a massive stroke back in September of last year.

    Our friend is doing a lot better but we will probably have for a very long time Tai (the Siamese-gray tabby), Miss Kitty (the gorgeous long haired calico), and Grey Man (the reclusive Russian Blue).

    Animals have their own personalities just like people do. They say dogs have masters and cats have staff. I am starting to believe that is really true--at least the part about cats having a staff. (We are learning fast and getting to be very efficient staff indeed)

