St. Matthew's Episcopal Church Hallowell, Maine
Parish Prayer List
Prayer Chain Ministry Coordinator: Ann Wehrwein 588-6021
Please join us in praying daily for:
The peace of the world, for the welfare and unity of all people, and for those who are in harm’s way, remembering especially the men and women of our armed forces and their families: The Rev. David Sivret, Sondra Riggin, Joseph Poulin, Joshua Buck, Travis Mills, Bobby Johnson, Ryan Payeur, Scott Ludwig, Adam Schoeller, Joe Emery, David Freeman.
Comfort and heal all those who suffer in body, mind, or spirit, remembering especially:
Tom Platt, Reuben Merrill, Trudy Ogilvie, Patrick, Don, Ian, John Sivret, Ginny Gero, Greg, Ray, Kathy, Joshua Owen, Paul, Jim Welton, Dick, Judy Wingate, Muriel Knowles, Laurie Beck, Tom Pratt, Diane Short, Calvin & Dan, Becca, Rob & Jordan, Dorothy Calmes, Dick Calmes, Bill Webber, Elizabeth Welton, Felicia, Jonah L., Alison MacDonald, Shirley Roy, Tim, Becky and family, Diane Sherman, Eve & Evan Sotiriou, Helen Putnam, Chris, Mac, Fr. Jack Fles, Marge Kilkelly, Kay O’Brien, Laurie O, Wayne Lyford, John and Beth Convey, Charlie & Sharon Keyser, Beth Oakes+, Scott Ludwig, Lenore and Ambrose, Jen, Marie Kimball & family, Marilyn O, Susan Winslow, Ernestine and her family, Vicky E, Stewart Sheldon, Lou Ann, Bill and Patti, Herbert, Wilma Sherman, Coleen Bryant, family & friends of Jim Murphy, Hartley LaDuke Family & friends of The Rev. Don Hastings (esp. Judy), Lloyd Turcotte, family and friends of Valerie Houle, Vera, Bonnie Fuller, Melissa, Nick & Hadrian Floersch, Barbara Barth+, Alma and family, Madaline Tatlock
Give them courage and hope in their troubles, and bring them the joy of your salvation.